Provide equitable learning experiences
Clever makes learning easy and accessible for every student. Discover tools that make edtech work like magic so that you can focus on what matters most: learning.
95k US
K-12 Schools learn with Clever
1.4 Million
Teachers login with Clever
24 Million
Active students
Center of your digital classroom
With lightning-fast logins, one place for resources, and collaborative tools, Clever is a teacher’s superpower. Learn how Clever can help you create powerful learning moments.

Fast and fun logins
With the flash of a Clever Badge or one username and password, single sign-on helps students find every resource in one delightful place.

Personalized and organized classrooms
One friendly portal customized for each student so they see only the resources they need. Plus, Teacher Pages are your digital classroom add relevant links, apps, and PDFs.

The magic of rostering
Clever connects to your school’s student information system to automatically create courses and accounts for you and your students – like all of your Google Classrooms. If a student changes schools or classes, Clever makes sure they are automatically transferred and has access to their resources.

Edtech Inspiration
Safely discover new learning apps in the Clever Library. Recommend resources by sending them, or sending entire Teacher Pages, to other teachers.

Analytics and troubleshooting tools
See who’s logged in, and who might need extra help. Use teacher-friendly troubleshooting tools to overcome login issues on the spot.

Digtial Citizenship
Single sign-on decreases the total number of usernames and passwords students need to access resources, limiting the potential for them to be compromised. When you and your students login using Clever, you’re doing your part to reduce the risk of cybersecurity threats.
Learn more about data privacy and security
Are you a teacher?
If you want to use Clever in your district, contact your district or school administrator. If your school already has an account, you can find out who to contact on your login page.
→ See if your school has a Clever Account