Simple, secure access for Canadian classrooms

Chosen by thousands of schools
Schools in Canada
Schools across the globe
28 million
monthly active students
Unlock secure digital learning
Many complexities make it challenging for edtech to be secure and easy to access in the classroom. From rising cyberattacks to manual processes delaying student access, schools in Canada have a lot on their plate to make edtech easy to use. That’s why Clever provides a secure platform to make digital learning work every day. Let Clever help you simplify digital learning.

Digital classroom
With the flash of a Clever Badge or one password, students are instantly logged into the device and applications. Teachers have one friendly digital classroom to keep the class on track, and admins make data-informed decisions with edtech data all in one place.

Data and access
Save time and protect sensitive data with automated rostering based on the daily changes with your SIS. Direct integrations with popular SISes in Canada, like PowerSchool, Aspen, and Blackbaud, make it easy to provide personalized SSO to any application.

Identity and security
Simplify the identity management lifecycle for students, teachers, and staff all from one place. Secure access with MFA that doesn’t require a second device.

Your partner in data privacy
We continuously invest in people, practices, and infrastructure to safeguard student data.
A clear commitment to data privacy
Clever complies with GDPR, privacy legislation in the U.S., Canada, and Australia. Student data is used only for educational purposes at the direction of the school board.
Visit our trust center
Comprehensive security program
Clever products and infrastructure are designed, built, and tested to meet our high standards of security. We never stop improving and continuously evaluate ways to enhance our security practices to better protect our students, teachers, and staff.
Learn more about our security program